Bresler Vignette - 2013
68 x 42 x 12 inches
Found 18th & 19th century Italian gilt wood fragments, 22K & 23.5 K gold leaf, antler, bone, teeth(various), epoxy resin.Carved, fabricated, gilded.
Laitman Installation - 2014
9.5 feet x 4.5 feet x 12 inches Deep.
Found 18th & 19th century giltwood fragments, 23.5K gold leaf, antler, bone, teeth, epoxy resin, bone powder. Carved, fabricated, silver leaf, paint.
Volute Neckpiece & Landscape - 2013
Volute Neckpiece. (Antlers, 17th & 18th century frame fragments,
gesso, gold leaf.)
on Pedestal with ‘landscape’ of cast resin, bone, antlers, painted wood, frame fragments and gold leaf.